Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thats ROCKER mom, not SOCCER mom...

I am a tattooed, toe-ringed, pierced goddess.
I work out everyday so I can wear skinny jeans and not "mom" jeans.
I bring home my portion of the bacon...and fry it up in a pan
I play with my kids at the playground, not just supervise them.
I jump into swimming pools fully clothed in the summer to amuse them.
I know the words to every Phineas and Ferb song and sing them even when the kids are not in the car.
I can quote Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Monty Python...AND While You Were Sleeping.
I know Victoria's Secret (it's really about the shoes, not the bras).
I play Call of Duty and Go Fish.
I enter Extreme Adventure Races and sign death waivers.
I get mani-pedi's and visit "Rio" on a monthly basis for me time.
I can transform a level 3 transformer (OK, the 5yr old helps...a lot)
I drive a toaster not an SUV.
I can put out the trash and haul 10 bags of groceries in at once in platforms.
I have an exit plan for my family when the zombie apocalypse happens.
I love my family and will go honey badger on your ass if you wrong them.
So the next time you assume I am just your average punk, goth, suicide-girl...think again...

I'm a Rocker Mom, not a Soccer Mom

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